First of all, thank you for all your prayers and support. We are excited to represent Flood Church in Malawi as part of the first ever Human Rights Initiative! For those who don’t know what we are doing, we are putting on a 4 day conference in the Kudoko village to address human rights injustices like domestic violence, child abuse and property grabbing. Amidst these injustices, we will be bringing both biblical truth and teaching the Malawians their own constitutional rights that many do not know because of their poor education system. Our hope at the end of this conference is to not only inform the people of the Kudoko village about their constitutional rights, but help them understand God’s heart for them and for justice.

So far, we have flown from San Diego to Washington D.C., and after a 4.5 hour red-eye, we landed in Washington D.C. at 6am EST. With very little sleep (with the exception of Kara who slept the entire flight), we are now on a 6 hour layover for our next flight to Ethiopia. At this point, we are all tired yet anxious to get there. Conversations are turning pretty ridiculous considering our already exhausted state, and yet we have only taken 1 of 4 flights to Malawi. Who knows where our conversations will lead the more and more we don’t sleep and the farther and farther we travel!

Giggling all the way there,

The Malawi Human Rights Team

Flood Church in Malawi


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