A soldier in Kenya has been arrested after he allegedly killed his friend, whom he accused of having an affair with his wife.

The suspect, Kirimi Gikangu was recently posted to keep guard against Al-Shabaab terrorists fond of hiding in Boni Forest in the country.

Gikangu is alleged to have killed his friend, Allan Ng’ang’a Gicharu, a gym instructor whom he accused of having an intimate relationship with his (Gikangu’s) wife, DCI detectives told local publication K24 Digital.

The alleged murder occurred on February 2, 2021 in Kisauni, Mombasa County.

Gikangu had invited Gicharu to his home for drinks. All the while, Gikangu harboured bitterness over allegations that Gicharu was having a sexual relationship with his spouse, authorities said.

“After hours of drinking alcohol, Gicharu became too intoxicated to leave for his home. The suspect told Gicharu that he could sleep on their couch. While Gicharu slept, Gikangu picked a metal rod and hit Gicharu on the head. The suspect, thereafter, reached for a kitchen knife and stabbed Gicharu several times in different parts of his body, killing the victim on the spot,” a DCI detective privy to the investigations told K24 Digital.

After the incident, Gikangu alongside his wife went into hiding, with police tracing Gikangu.

His spouse, however, still remains at large, police said.

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