Communities of Lisungwi in Neno district are bemoaning the lack of X-ray services at Lisungwi Community Hopsital which has been broken for three years now.

Confirming the development, in charge for Lisungwi Community Hospital Dr. Albert Chafunya said the X-ray fil processor got damaged in early 2018 after developing a fault and has not been fixed since.

The development forces communities around Lisungwi to travel 28 kilometres of a bad shaped earth road to access X-ray services at the district’s heath facility

According to Dr Chafunya, the most affected  are patients in enormous pain in need of urgent medical help for various degrees of bone fractures.

As an alternative way patients are being referred to Neno  District Health Office and some to Queen Elizabeth Central  Hospital to seek the services with the patients shouldering the costs.

Dr. Chafunya said this comes as a way of ensuring that there is no gap in terms of service delivery.

Concurring with Dr. Chafunya, a mother of 7 year old child narrated how she toiled on finding means to get her child with broken leg treated at the district’s health facility.

According to her, she first went to Lisungwi Community Hospital, sadly, she was told that the X-ray machine is out of service and was referred to Neno District Hospital which she said is far to reach due to the shape of the roads.

The visibly confused mother appealed to government to repair the X-ray machine.

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