Chief Resident Magistrate Patrick Chirwa has adjourned to April 12 and 14 case involving former minister of Information, Henry Mussa and former director of Information, Gedion Munthali.

The two are accused of stealing a heavy duty gensets and computers belonging to the ministry.

Today the state paraded two witnesses namely Deputy Director of Administration for the Ministry’s Corporate Office Samuel Nankhuni and former principal secretary for Information, Esmie Kainja.

Nankhuni told the Court that from his understanding, the computers and generators were not handled over to his office and that were still in custody of Munthali.

Nankhuni added that he reported to Sanctuary Police in Lilongwe City Center on 31 August 2020 after discovering that the computers and the generators were nowhere to be seen, though he believed that the equipment was in still custody of Munthali.

On her part, Esmie Kainja said on a number of occasions, she had asked Munthali about the whereabouts of the gensets and computers which were a donation from Macra.

Kainja says Munthali kept saying he would bring them.

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