By Chisomo Phiri

In supporting the 2020-2021 National Forestry Season launched in December 2020 at Tukumbo  Primary school in Nkhatabay-Bay, Mzuzu-based  organization, Citizen Impact Organization-CIO has embarked on a  trees planting exercise in Matemanga Village and Msongwe primary school in Mzuzu where 1000 trees have already been planted

The trees were received from their partners in conserving environment project, Malawi Creation  Care Network (( MCCN). The conserving environment project was  launched with an aim of planting trees in some communities of Mzuzu city so as to restore lost forest cover in the city.

On Wednesday CIO together with Mzuzu University students and other officials from MCCN, Girl Guide Association and Good deeds Patriots had a tree planting exercise at Matemanga village and Msongwe Primary in Mzuzu where school committees, community leaders and Chief block leaders were in  attendance.

Speaking on the event, Mzimba District Youth Offer, G.J Mwase who was also the guest of honor of the event thanked Citizen Impact Organization management for the tree planting exercise saying this is going to  help in  restoring and covering places which were left bare due to deforestation.

” This is a great initiative as now all places which were left bare due to deforestation are to be restored and make the Mzuzu continue being named a green city of Malawi.  We are here to thank the CIO management team for the tree planting initiative, this should not stop here. Let’s plant more trees so as to be in support of our National Forestry Vision launched last year. Mzimba District Youth office is in support of this”, Said Mwase.

In her few remarks, the Director for Citizen Impact Organization, Chimwemwe Banda made a promise to plant more trees in the city and other surrounding areas saying what they have showcased at Matemanga  is just a beginning of a move.

” This is is just a beginning, we want to plant more tree this year so as to make Mzuzu continue being a green city of our motherland, Malawi and mostly fight against deforestation. We have more areas to reach out and plant trees here in Mzuzu city and the whole northern region at large”, Promised Banda.

” Our advise to the community members is that they should always take care of these trees as no one will come from somewhere and do that for them. Please don’t cut down trees for charcoal production, there are several alternatives for sourcing income out there, let’s all join hands in conserving the environment and keep the Malawi as it was before”, Advised Banda.

Speaking on his part, the headteacher for Msongwe primary school, Mr. Ephraim Mdoka also thanked CIO for tree planting exercise saying the trees are source of life and beauty of the place.

” Trees play vital role in our lives, they are source of income after selling fruits, home for some wild animals, source of food just to mention a few. Without trees means no life. So we are thankful to CIO for this tree planting initiate as this is now going to give us life. Trees are very important in a social-economic development of a country. We therefore, beg other well-wishers to support CIO so as to make everything work better”, Said Msomka.

So far, CIO has planted 1000 trees in Matemanga Village, Nkhorongo and Msongwe Primary school.

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