From treating baby talk like real conversations to understanding play is work to children- here are easy, effective and science-backed tips every parent ought to know.

There are so many factors that determine how successful each individual will be. Some can be influenced by us and the opportunities around us while others are totally beyond our control.

Hence, why this is a no catch-all guide that gives you 100% assurance of your child’s future success, but more of stepping stones and foundations that must be established and kept constant.

According to experts, here are a few ways to help your kid find that path to success both in and out of school premises.

1. Ensure They Get Enough Sleep Daily

For Children, sleep is one of the most important activities in their day-to-day lives. This goes beyond just the amount of sleep hours they get but also the consistency of their sleep schedule factors into their success.

Did you know? Regular naps, for instance, are important for your toddler’s ability to learn, process and apply new language concepts in an abstract way. It has been discovered that kids who nap within four- six hours of learning new words are most likely going to use those words the next day.

2. Build Support Systems

A support system comprises individuals who provide support, respect, and care. These are people who are in your corner, who truly understand you and communicate with you in the language you understand. They do not judge you or ridicule you.

They provide feedback that is genuine, constructive and in your best interest. You need support systems both at home and in your child’s school. A class teacher that understands your child’s learning style and takes time to go through the process with your child to ensure he or she understands what is being taught is a part of your support system.

Teachers don’t only have a strong influence on children’s growth, they also have a wealth of experience and professional understanding of developmental and educational milestones and expectations. Work closely with your child’s teacher to foster her success.

3. Scrutinize Their Screen Time Thoroughly

TV, Phones, Tabs and other media channels that children engage in are not evil as we like to paint them. In fact, they can be great learning channels for kids if used properly. Look at it this way, an hour spent watching random shows that are not educational is an hour not maximized on activities that can help them grow. Opt for shows and programs that can help them grow and learn new things, develop their vocabulary, enhance their problem solving skills and so on.

4. Build Routines and Set Expectations

Building routines and setting expectations for children to follow will help them to understand the benefits of time management and consistency. It helps them to understand the concept of working towards goals, achieving them and receiving rewards for the work they put in. We need to teach them to value the learning process so they can appreciate the rewards that come with it. Life successes and dream realization takes time, hard work, consistency and dedication.

5. Learning Through Play

Play is work for children. Parents need to take play seriously. Children learn and build important life skills when they play. For instance, Make-believe play encourages their creativity as they have to create the whole image of their make-believe character or friend. What does he or she look like? What does he or she like?

It also allows them to experience what it’s like to be someone else and understand others’ feelings. While when they play with other kids, they’re exposed to learning to share, take turns, compromise and so on. Also, Don’t wait till your baby’s first words before you start making conversations with her.

She may respond with baby language and coos and that’s okay. Strong communication skills bring lifelong opportunities. Fostering this ability, from early days helps a lot in their brain and vocabulary development.

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