[1] He is a Jesuit and as such subscribes to the society’s founding principles which are contained in the document Formula of the Institute, written by Ignatius of Loyola

[2] Jesuits are known for their work in education (founding schools, colleges, universities and seminaries), intellectual research, and cultural pursuits, and for their missionary efforts. They also minister in hospitals and parishes and promote social justice and ecumenical dialogue.

[3] As Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the new pope was said to frequently ride the bus

[4] As a cardinal, Bergoglio became known for personal humility, doctrinal conservatism and a commitment to social justice

[5] He lived in a small apartment, rather than in the palatial bishop’s residence

[6] Apart from the fact that he gave up his chauffeured limousine in favour of public transportation, he also reportedly cooked his own meals

[7] However, critics have accused him of ignoring the plight of victims during the country’s military dictatorship from 1976–1983, despite victims and their relatives relating first-hand accounts of torture, death and kidnappings to the priests he supervised as the local provincial of the Jesuit Order

[8] Cardinal Bergoglio has encouraged his clergy and laity to oppose both abortion and euthanasia, describing the pro-choice movement as a culture of death. Some rumors suggest that Pope Francis would permit the use of contraceptives to prevent the spread of disease, although, in practice, he opposed their free distribution in Argentina

[9] He has affirmed church teaching on homosexuality, including that men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies must be accepted with respect and compassion. However, he opposes same-sex marriage and has called it “demonic in origin”

[10] In 2009, Bergoglio said that extreme poverty and the “unjust economic structures that give rise to great inequalities” are violations of human rights and that social debt is “immoral, unjust and illegitimate.” During a 48-hour public servant strike in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Bergoglio observed the differences between “poor people who are persecuted for demanding work, and rich people who are applauded for fleeing from justice.

[11] He has lived for more than 50 years with one functioning lung. He had the other removed as a young man because of infection.

[12] He is the son of an Italian railway worker.

[13] He trained as a chemist.

[14] He is the first non-European pope in the modern era.

[15] He believes that condoms can be permissible to prevent infection.

[16] In 2001 he washed and kissed the feet of Aids patients in a hospice.

[17] He speaks fluent Italian, as well as Spanish and German.

[18] Until now he has been living in a small flat, eschewing a formal bishop’s residence.

[19] He told Argentines not to travel to Rome to celebrate if he was appointed but to give their money to the poor instead.

[20] He is believed to have been the runner-up in the last papal conclave in 2005.

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