The Malawi Institute of Management (MIM) has donated hospital equipment to Kabudula Public Community hospital last Friday, worth K1.5 million to prevent the spread of Covid 19 pandemic.

According to MIM’s director of Finance and administration, Catherine Mselemu said that the donation is part of the organization’s corporate social Responsibility.

‘’We appreciate the need to support more hospitals during the pandemic period,’’ Mselemu said.

Mselemu also cited that as concerned and responsible corporate citizens MIM felt it necessary to continue stepping in and supporting the government in the fight against Covid -19 to improve the health facilities.

The items being donated at the hospital includes; chlorine, coveralls, disposable masks, sanitizer, hand washing liquid Blood Pressure Monitors, Infrared thermometers, umbilical cord clips and gauze .

Meanwhile Mselemu said they choose Kabudula Community hospital among other hospital in Lilongwe because it is a lively community hospital serving a large rural population in addition to being a hub for health services in this area.

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