After stirring up a fiery debate about HIV/Aids and ARV treatment, Zodwa Wabantu has reminded all those who chose to “shame” her that her fans have her back, because her brand value lies in the genuine love between her and her fans.

Speaking to TshisaLIVE, Zodwa explained that whenever she does something that causes chaos on social media or ignites a “controversial” debate, she knows her people would understand where she’s coming from and that’s what motivates her to keep pushing the envelope on matters such as HIV/Aids.

“I know that I am not gonna change the world, but I gonna keep trying,” Zodwa said.

Elaborating on her decision to help do away with the stigma surrounding HIV/Aids and ARV treatment, Zodwa said she’s seen too many people die sooner that needed.

Zodwa added that “abantu bazothini” about ARVs is not worth dying over.

“People will go to their separate corners and die. They will do things like not take pills that can save their lives or do things always carrying the expectations of society on their shoulders like a burden they can’t put down. I don’t understand that. I could never live that way and I’m lucky that my personal community is filled with people who understand my way of life and love me as I am,” she said.

The ARVs on Zodwa’s TL caused people to question the reality TV star’s HIV status, but she said she wasn’t bothered by the questions and wanted people to speculate as long as the conversation about taking treatment continued.

“My brand and who I have become and the success I have is solely because people see me as a part of them. I’m just a random girl they could find at the tavern, sitting on the crate and chilling with the girls. Even now when I have money and live better than in the past, I’m different from these other celebs, I don’t compromise on things that make me who I am and I think that’s why people hear me when I speak. That’s why I love to start these conversations, in my own way I am using my platform to help my community.”

Just recently Zodwa had the TL on fire when she posted a snap of ARV pills on her TL and a video snippet from her reality show during which a handful of ARV pills fell out of her bag mid-groove.

She ignited the fiery conversation after the controversial entertainer shared a video clip from her show Zodwa Wabantu: Uncensored, showing how people reacted when she accidentally dropped a bunch of ARV pills, which she refers to as amaJacksons.

Speaking to TshisaLIVE, Zodwa said after the video and IG post, people have been asking her if she’s really HIV positive.

The entertainer said those interested in her status were missing the point of the conversation.

“Whether I have HIV or not, is not for anybody but the person I’m f***ing to know, however I want the conversation about taking ARVs to start because it can save lives,” she said.

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