A SHURUGWI-based artisanal miner was left with permanent injuries after his left leg was amputated following a brutal attack by rivals in a suspected love triangle.

Simon Vingirayi- a court heard- lost consciousness as blood gushed from his left knee after his assailant axed him on a large vein and doctors had to amputate the leg above the knee to save his life.

This was heard during the appearance of three artisanal miners who include two brothers from Shurugwi, Charles (29) and Philbert Chingwaya (22) and Tafadzwa Rundora (31) before Gweru Regional magistrate Phathekile Msipa.

They are facing a count each of attempted murder.

The trio pleaded not guilty.

It is the State case as presented by Talent Tadenyika that on May 20 last year at around 8PM and at Chief Ndanga bar, Adare Farm, Shurugwi, Vingirayi was playing a pool game with one Timothy Changunduma.

Vingirayi went outside the bar together with Changunduma and stood near a braai stand where they were having a conversation.

The court heard that Charles, Philbert and Rundora arrived in a Toyota Noah vehicle.

Charles who was driving the vehicle allegedly remained behind while Philbert and Rundora disembarked.

The court heard that Charles charged towards Vingirayi holding a big axe.

Charles allegedly told Vingirayi he wanted to kill him because he was having an extra marital affair with his wife.

Charles allegedly felled Vingirayi with a blow to the head using the axe handle.

After that he allegedly axed Vingirayi on the left knee three times.

Philbert and Rundora, the court heard, allegedly stabbed Vingirayi on the head with a knife while Charles continued axing the left leg.

Vingirayi, the court heard, became unconscious and only regained consciousness after he had been admitted to Gweru Provincial Hospital where his leg was amputated.

The matter was reported to the police leading to the arrest of the two brothers and their friend.

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