The Human Rights Consultative Committee (HRCC) yesterday issued a press statement in reaction to the Bingu Death Inquiry report that was released recently. Signed by Chairperson Undule Mwakasungula and National Coordinator Baldwin Chiyamwaka, the HRCC is once more trying to use the name of the departed head of state late Bingu Wa Mutharika to achieve personal and political gains through the ruling People’s Party of President Joyce Hilda Mtila Banda.

The statement is full of praise for President Banda but falls short of explaining what exactly killed the State President. HRCC has cleverly crafted this statement leaving out elements where Foreign Affairs Minister Ephraim Mganda Chiume played a critical role in trying to stop the then Vice President from ascending to the presidency.

HRCC has also not condemned actions of the entire cabinet that met, discussed and agreed to keep away from the public news about the death of the late President as per established in the report. The HRCC has deliberately failed condemn President Joyce Banda for lying to the world that the late President was ill in South Africa and that she was in constant touch with the authorities in the rainbow nation getting regular briefs about the illness of the Malawian leader.

HRCC has interestingly praised the Malawi Defence Force Commander General Odilo and Attorney General Max Mbendera for ensuring that the rule of law prevailed. Interestingly, the then Inspector General of Police Peter Mukhitho is not commended in anyway basing on the findings of the commission report that established that the two security bosses refused to be used in anyway by politicians in any form of trying to go against the Malawi Constitution.

Finally, it is my hope that the HRCC will be issuing more press statements on how and why the State President protected Finance Minister Ken Lipenga in that MRA saga, how and why people are dying at Admarc queues when the country according to donors has enough maize in its silos and how the maize grew wings from our silos, when exactly is Mrs Banda in compliance with the law going to declare her personal assets, in the spirit of transparency also ask the State President to explain to Malawians why she flew out of the country at night and returned hours later without informing her employers and many more issues.

I find the timing for the issuing of this press release wrong and with ill motive. It is intended to corrupt public opinion on the matter considering that the alleged coup plotters were arrested selectively on Monday and the case is in the courts.

Do you want to influence the court’s decisions? Please HRCC, Mr Undule Mwakasungula, Macdonald Sembereka and others, let President Bingu Wa Mutharika rest in peace. You can find other issues to pursue in order to achieve your personal political ambitions. Glory Glory Glory! They Are All FREE! FREE! FREE!!! – By Innocent Mawaya

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