Karonga Police Officer In-charge (OC) Tiyese Chiumbuzo has disclosed that the district will soon have traffic wardens as one way of reducing road accidents that are claiming lives of people in the district.

Chiumbuzo was speaking Tuesday at Nyungwe during a stakeholders meeting aimed at finding ways of reducing road accidents that are still rampant in the district.

“Nyungwe trading center is one of accident prone areas, so if we can have traffic wardens, I am optimistic that they will assist in reducing road accidents in the area.

Acting principal Group Village Head (GVH) Cheka Cheka Sterson Kalikokha Mchawi thanked Karonga police for the initiative saying it’s sad losing lives of people through road accidents that can be controlled.

“We are ready to work hand in hand with the police because they want to protect our lives,” he said.

And Nyungwe Market Chairperson Prescort Mwafulirwa said the introduction of traffic wardens will also improve their businesses saying many people were afraid to do their businesses along the M1 road due to the accidents that have been happening.

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