Association for Persons with Albinism in Karonga (APAM) have embarked on fundraising campaign aimed at raising funds to purchase Cryogen machine and Nitrogen liquid that protects their skin.
Speaking in an interview with Karonga APAM Chairperson Chawanangwa Nyirenda on Wednesday he said the development comes after noting that Karonga district hospital doesn’t have the machine which detects skin cancer.
“When our skin get exposed to too much sunlight, the body may develop to skin cancer, so we really need this machine so that we are screened frequently,” he said.
Nyirenda has since urged government, non governmental organisations and other well-wishers to assist them to find this important machine.
Commenting on the matter, Director of Health and Social Services at Karonga district hospital David Sibale says the machine is very important to people with albinism saying it assist in reducing cases of skin cancer since they are screened frequently.
According to Nyirenda, the machine is sold at K800,000 and the organization has currently managed to raise K350,000.
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