34-YEAR-OLD man of Mansa who defiled and then murdered his three-day old baby has been sentenced to life imprisonment and death by hanging by the High Court.

Christopher Kasakula, who was charged with defilement and murder, appeared before Ndola High Court judge Mary Mulanda who is currently sitting in Mansa.

The court heard that the baby was bleeding from the private part, umbilical cord, mouth and nose after she was defiled by the father. Mother of the deceased, Brenda Kasakula, 29, narrated that three days after delivering the baby, she went to bath and left the baby sleeping in the same house with Kasakula.

While bathing, she heard the baby screaming which prompted her to rush to the bedroom and asked the father what had transpired and why the baby was bleeding from the private part and umbilical cord.

The court heard that Kasakula expressed ignorance, stormed out of the room and then ran away before the baby’s mother alerted some family members.

The baby was then rushed to Lukolongo Clinic situated 25 kilometres from the village where she was pronounced dead upon arrival.

In his defence, Kasakula, who introduced himself as “Christopher Sunday Chipulu aka Kasakula Edmond” denied defiling the child.

“On the material day, my wife called and said the baby had died and that I was responsible for her death,” he said.

“That’s how we started arguing and I told her I was going to invite my parents because of the allegation.” He said his wife’s relatives took him to the village palace and police officers later apprehended him.

In her judgment, Judge Mulanda said she was satisfied with the evidence State prosecutors brought before the court.

She said it was clear from the evidence that the accused acted with malice aforethought.

Judge Mulanda slapped Kasakula with life imprisonment for defilement and a death sentence for murder.

“I find the accused guilty of murder and defilement of a child under the age of 16 and I convict him accordingly as charged,” she said.

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