A 34-year-old man of Rufunsa district, Zambia has been arrested for ripping his wife’s breast leaving nipples completely cut off.
However, Benson Mwanjeleka claims he did not intentionally rip her breast but that he was dreaming.
In a media statement issued to Mwebantu, police spokesperson Esther Katongo Mwanjeleka has been arrested and charged with grievous bodily harm.
“Police in chongwe district have recorded a report of grievous bodily harm which is alleged to have occurred on 31st, may, 2021 around 2230 hours at Mwachifumu village in chief Bunda Bunda of Rufunsa district in which Christine Galufu aged 33 of the above address reported that she was grievously harmed by her husband identified as Mwanjeleka of the same address. The victim had her left breast nipple completely cut off,” Mrs Katongo said.
She said the incident is reported to have occurred when the victim and her husband now suspect were asleep and the husband woke up and bit her breast claiming that he was dreaming.
Mrs Katongo said the victim has been issued with a medical report form for medical attention while the nipple was taken to hospital for disposal.
She said Mwanjeleka is in police custody for the subject offence.
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