Rumphi First Grade Magistrate’s Court, Monday sentenced Felix Simbeye, 56 to 12 years Imprisonment with Hard Labour (IHL) for defiling a three-year-old neighbours daughter.

Police Prosecutor, Inspector Blessings Chimbirazoa told the court that Simbeye defiled the girl twice for two consecutive days in his house at Mawerewere area at Rumphi Boma.

He said Simbeye first defiled the girl when her mother went to market leaving playing with her friends.

He said upon being interviewed by her mother, the girl revealed that she had been having sex with Simbeye.

“Immediately, the mother went to Simbeye’s house where he asked him what he had been doing with her daughter. Simbeye admitted to have been having sex with the girl and pledged to give money to the mother to stop her from publicizing the incident,” he said.

Police arrested Simbeye and charged with defilement which was contrary to Section 138 of the Penal Code.

In his submissions, Chimbirazoa asked the court to give a deterrent sentence to Simbeye which would serve as a lesson to him and deter other would-be offenders of similar offences.

He therefore sentenced the convict to 12 years IHL.

Simbeye hails from Mtanda Village in the area of Traditional Authority (TA) Katumbi in Rumphi District.

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