Zimbabwean man has been sentenced to six years in jail for culpable homicide after he fatally stabbed his lover’s husband in September 2020.

Nkosikhona Ngwenya (20) of Vala Line in Tsholotsho stabbed Blonde Ncube who was 32 last year as the two were walking home from a social soccer match in Godweni in the Nemane area.

Ngwenya pleaded not guilty to murder and guilty to a lesser charge of culpable homicide when he appeared before Bulawayo High Court judge Evangelista Kabasa who is on circuit in Hwange.

He was sentenced to six years in jail before the judge suspended two years for five years on condition of good behaviour.

Prosecuting, Memory Munsaka said the murder took place on 9 September 2020 at 7 PM when Ncube and Ngwenya were on their way home from Godweni grounds where there was a soccer match.

Ncube accused his neighbour Ngwenya of having an affair with his wife resulting in a fight.

The deceased assaulted the accused with a knobkerrie on the head and pushed him to the ground before sitting on him.

Ngwenya drew an okapi knife from the pocket and stabbed Ncube once in the chest and fled from the scene.

Neighbours found Ncube’s lifeless body the following morning and a report was made to the police leading to Ngwenya’s arrest.

The Okapi knife Ngwenya used was recovered from a Blair toilet after his arrest.

Source: NewZimbabwe

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