As the number of positivity rate continues to rise in the country, a number of District across the country have run out of AstraZeneca Vaccine with latest district being Lilongwe.

Lilongwe District Health Office Director of Health and Social Services Dr. Alinafe Mbewe Tambala has confirmed of the development.

“Lilongwe District Health Office wishes to inform all people in Lilongwe and the general public that the office has run out of COVID-19 Vaccine in all its vaccine delivery point.

The office is advising all those who did not manage to get the second dose at 12 weeks that they will get their vaccine later,” reads in part the statement.

Blantyre District is also faced with a similar challenge.

According to the Minister of Health Khumbize Chiponda, the next consignment of the vaccine will be in first week of July because the main manufacturer and supplier India was affected by the third wave of Coronavirus.

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