An officer from the Namibian Police’s gender-based violence division at Keetmanshoop appeared in the town’s magistrate’s court on charges of murder and attempted murder on Monday.

Police officer Morgan Plaatjie is alleged to have brutally murdered his ex-girlfriend Yvette Louw on Saturday by stabbing her multiple times with a knife.

The police’s crime investigations coordinator in the //Kharas region, deputy commissioner Chrispin Mubebo, said Plaatjie reportedly found Louw with her current boyfriend and their child, and that this led to the deadly stabbing.

Mubebo said Plaatjie was arrested the same night as the incident.

He said Louw had complained in the past about domestic abuse from Plaatjie and had been given a domestic violence protection order against him.

Mubebo said Plaatjie allegedly stabbed Louw’s boyfriend as well, but he was not fatally injured.

The case was postponed to 13 August.

Plaaitjie is being held in custody.

Police investigations in the matter are continuing.

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