CCAP Synod of Livingstonia is holding prayers at it’s St Andrews Church in Mzuzu, in honor of former Zambian president, late Dr Kenneth David Buchizga Kaunda, whose parents were Malawians.

His father was a church minister under the Synod of Livingstonia.

His relatives from Karonga and Nkhatabay are gracing the prayers meant to honor Kaunda who was born on 28th April 1924, and died on 17th June 2021.

Former Vice President Khumbo Kachali, the just retired DPP Vice President for the north Goodall Gondwe and MCP second Vice President Harry Mkandawire are amongst politicians in attendance.

The prayers are being held under the theme, ‘Celebrating the Life of an African Leader who Defended Christian Faith and African Dignity’.

In his speech former Moderator of the Synod Mezuwa Banda said the Synod invited former President of Zambia Kenneth Kaunda to celebrate the church’s 150 years of Scottish mission works in Malawi in 2009.

According to former Moderator of the Synod Mezuwa Banda, Kenneth Kaunda was taken to his home village in Nkhatabay where he asked to visit Bandawe Church where his father got baptised.

Kenneth Kaunda asked the Church leadership then to perform a mock baptism on him there.

Apart from visiting Bandawe, Kenneth Kaunda was also taken to Livingstonia in Rumphi to learn more about his father, Reverend David Julezga Kaunda.

Kaunda will be laid to rest today in Zambia.