President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera has come under heavy criticisms for appointing her daughter to serve as Secretary in the office of the Malawi’s Embassy in Brussels, Belgium.

Information sourced by this publication indicates that Chakwera has appointed Violet Chakwera Mwasinga as third Secretary in the officer of Malawi’s Ambassador in Brussels.

The development comes barely weeks after Chakwera also appointed State Vice President Dr. Saulos Chilima’s in-law as Ambassador.
This has angered many Malawians and some have taken the issue to social media to condemn Chakwera’s malpractice.

Writing on his official facebook page social commentator Onjezani Kenani accused Chakwera of repeating the same mistakes by former President Peter Mutharika.

“At the podium, they took turns accusing Peter Mutharika of practising nepotism. What they meant was nepotism was bad for only as long as those being put into government positions were not their own family members. Once they were voted into power, we are now told that it’s not nepotism because the relatives they are appointing have qualifications.

“Did those people Peter Mutharika appoint not have the so-called qualifications? Besides, the last time I checked, Peter Mutharika never appointed any son or daughter of his to any taxpayer-funded position. His daughters, by the way, are lawyers, with their own legal firms. He also never appointed any in-law to any taxpayer-funded position. But hearing them say it, one would have thought he was the worst nepotist that ever walked the earth. Tell me: why should your nepotism be considered better than Mutharika’s nepotism?,” queried Kenani.

On her part Manice Abiti William Dawood wrote: “In Washington DC, Mukhitho and Dausi introduced me to others when they came for UNGA. “Uyu ndi Manice, dzukulu wa a President, uja amalemba zoyipa za DPP uja. Iwe zoona ungamanyoze boma la amalume ako?” And Mukhitho continued……”Ife timawauza bwana kuti musamamvere zolemba za anthu, kaya ndi pa Facebook or Newspaper, a Malawi ndi choncho, amasokosa 2 days then ayiwala asiya.” So all of us who are talking about Chakwera sending his daughter to Brussels, tikungozikwata ndi chala, there’s nothing which is going to change, akungotiseka a ku bomawo.”

Effort to talk to Minister of Information Gospel Kazako proved futile.

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