Following the incident that took place on Thursday about the escape of nine suspects at Kafulule Police Post in Mzimba ,Police have arrested police Officer who was on duty on that particular day.
The suspects were answering various charges including murder defilement, unlawful wounding and theft and were waiting for trial.
 National spokesperson for Malawi Police Service  James Kadadzera  has confirmed the development.
Kadadzera says police have arrested Sub inspector Livalo who was on duty when the suspects left the police cell.
He said the suspect is being questioned on what led to the escape of the suspects.
Kadadzela however said police have launched a manhunt for the suspects.
Meanwhile Kadadzela has said the Malawi Police Service is still investigating into circumstances that led to an extraordinary handcuffing of a suspect in a cell at Ndirande Police Station.
The suspect Yohane Mkoko aged 35 was arrested for allegedly breaking into a building and theft.
But he alleged that he was handcuffed for ten days leading to serious wounds and he fears he might lose his hands.
Kadadzela, said police will update the nation when the investigations have been concluded.
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