Police in Limbe, Blantyre have arrested three people on the allegations that they have a hand in the murder of a 74 year old Malawian of Indian Origin woman Amina Aziz Sunka.

Limbe Police public relations officer Inspector Patrick Mussa, confirmed of the arrest of the people.

According to police report, Sunka was killed on June, 20, 2021, at her home in Mudi residential area, where she was found lifeless with both her hands and legs tied.

Mussa explained that after the police received the news they rushed to the scene and took Sunka to Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital where she was pronounced dead.

Police detectives then instituted investigations into the matter which led to the arrest of three people; Shakir Lulanga aged 29 (gardener), Christina Gwiliza aged 29 (house maid) and Brazio Guta Tembo, 57.

The three are therefore charged with murder, contrary to Section 209 of the penal code, and they will appear in court soon.

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