Mediation talks to resolve the Chikulamayembe chieftaincy wrangles are currently underway in Rumphi.

One of the royal family members who spoke on condition of anonymity said both camps are present.

The mediators include Inkosi ya Makhosi M’mbelwa the 5th of Mzimba, Mtemi wa Watemi Kyungu of Karonga and Chitipa, Rev.William Tembo, General Secretary CCAP Synod of Livingstonia and Bishop Mtumbuka of the Karonga Diocese of the Catholic Church.

The source further expressed hope that their earlier concern on the rightful members from the royal families will be addressed as the first list had other members who were not part of the royal families.

The Chikulamayembe chieftaincy wrangles started following the death of Walter Change Gondwe and the subsequent installing of Mtima Walter Gondwe son to the deceased in 2019.

The installation ceremony took place at Chinyolo in the area of Senior Chief Mwankhunikila in the district.

Later, the matter was legally challenged by the Joseph Bongololo camp leading to the cancelation of the same, thereby reverting Mtima Gondwe as Acting Paramount Chief Chikulamayembe and Joseph Bongololo Gondwe as Group Village Headman.


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