Two Kenyan men identified as Biron Orwa, 25, and Samwel Mulama, 22, have been arrested after they were caught taking turns to rape a Kitui-based university student.

It is reported the two took the victim hostage after drugging her while binge drinking at Monte Christo Bar in Kitui town.

According to Kenya’s Directorate Criminal Investigation (DCI), the perpetrators walked into Monte Christo bar earlier in the day accompanied by the victim and her boyfriend.

“An 18-year-old first-year student at a Kitui-based university was last night rescued by police officers from two men who had taken her hostage and raped her in turns. The two suspects Biron Orwa, 25, and Samwel Mulama, 22, were caught in the beastly act as the seemingly intoxicated victim lay helpless on a bed at Diani Apartments in Kitui’s Kwa Vonza market,” DCI tweeted.

The four are all too familiar with each other, Biron and Samwel however planned an evil scheme to rape their friend’s girlfriend after they got them too drunk to comprehend what was happening.

The two were caught in the beastly act as the seemingly.

It is alleged that the two suspects first ordered rounds after rounds of alcohol that left the victim’s boyfriend completely drunk.

The boyfriend staggered out of the bar unable to comprehend what was going on, leaving his girlfriend in the marauding jaws of the two evil friends.

Orwa and Mulama quickly seized the opportunity and dragged the 18-year-old varsity student to Diani Apartments in Kitui’s Kwa Vonza market where they took turns to rape her.

Police officers acted swiftly after they got wind that two men had been spotted dragging a young woman who could barely support herself to a room.

The officers stormed into the room and busted one of the suspects cringed under the bed trembling while the victim lay helpless on the bed.

The second suspect was arrested at the bar where he had gone to collect the victim’s shoes & part of her clothing which they had left behind after partly undressing her.

The lady was taken to Kitui General hospital for tests and medical attention, while the two suspects also underwent medical examinations as they wait to be arraigned in court.

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