Malawi’s opposition DPP has agreed to hold its April 17 make or break national convention at COMESA hall in Blantyre and not in Lilongwe as was earlier expected.

The party agreed this at its National Governing Council meeting in Lilongwe Thursday after failing to secure a venue in Lilongwe.

Convention Chairman who is also party spokesperson Nicholas Dausi confirmed that the indaba will be he held in the Malawi commercial city.

The party said it failed to hold the indaba at Bingu wa Mutharika conference because authorities charged them K21 million per day which the party said was beyond their reach.

A senior party official also said Natural Resources College said it could not offer the venue because classes will have resumed by April 17 so too was Lilongwe Girls Secondary School.

This, said the official, made the NGC agreed to hold the indaba at COMESA hall where he said payment has already been made.

The aspiring Presidents will pay a nomination fee of K500, 000 while those eying the vice presidency will pay half of the amount.

The NGC further agreed that those going for the position of Secretary General should pay K200, 000 while Treasurer General will pay K150,00 and all aspiring for Directors in different categories will pay K100,000 while their deputies will pay K50,000.

On the position of President, Prof. Peter Mutharika will come face to face with Speaker of Parliament Henry Chimunthu Banda.

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