A R10 000 reward is up for grabs as the SA Satanic Church instigates the search and arrest of a cat serial killer following the death of 42 cats since July 15.

This reward is an addition to the R10 000 reward offered by the Animal Welfare Society of South Africa.

Animal Welfare Society of South Africa spokesperson Allan Perrins  said:

“They were bludgeoned to death, allegedly with a brick. Their bodies were found in Renoster Walk Manenberg, which is a notoriously dangerous part of the area,” said Perrins.

The killings have been linked to Satanism by some,  but the organization has distanced the religion from the slaughter of animals.

The organization’s Reverend Riaan Swiegelaar said they were shocked and appalled by the events that had transpired in Manenberg.

“We as the South African Satanic Church do not condone any abuse or slaughter of animals. This goes against Satanism, as well as Satanic philosophy.

He said none of the Satanic rituals require the slaughter of any living being adding that the safety and protection of animals is of utmost importance to them.

An independent post mortem report on three cat cadavers sent to the Western Cape Government Veterinary Laboratory proved that the majority of the cats were maliciously and brutally killed by a person or group of individuals, IOL reports.


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