Zambia Police in Kafue on Wednesday evening arrested eight Juveniles at a house in Shikoswe for engaging in a sex party.
A Juvenile Inspector from Department of Social Welfare in Kafue who declined to be mentioned confirmed the arrest of the eight juveniles to Kafue Times (KT)in an exclusive Interview.
The Juvenile Inspector told KT that two of the four girls are from Lusaka while the other two girls and the four boys are all from within Kafue.
He said the house where the juveniles hosted the sex party was littered with used condoms which prompted neighbours to report the incident to Police.
“Apparently, the eight juveniles who are all school dropouts have been having sex parties in Shikoswe at one of their friend’s house whose father is serving a jail sentence for defilement. The neighbors had on several occasions complained to the boys about the noise and littering of used condoms but they couldn’t comply. This prompted neighbours to report to Police and that is how the Police and Officers from Social Welfare Office raided the place and arrested four boys and four girls, one boy managed to escape,” the Juvenile Inspector said.
He urged parents to take care of their children and engage the Department of Social Welfare for intervention before things get worse.
“Social Welfare Office is parent number one for all children. All the eight Juveniles are non school goers, this is bad because if our office was engaged earlier by the parents of these juveniles we could have found a way of helping them get back to school,” He added.
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