Nick Chakwera, son to President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera has accepted an apology from social commentator Joshua Chisa Mbele and has since promised to withdraw the defamatory case where he was demanding MK270 million.

Nick Chakwera dragged to court Chisa Mbele over a defamatory facebook posts.

On 17th April,2021, Chisa Mbele is alleged to have made false remarks that Martin Mainja one of the suspects in the abuse of Covid-19 funds is a business partner of Chakwera.

Mbele further alleged that Mainja and Chakwera were irregularly awarded business opportunities by the Office of the President, Cabinet Parliament, Chancellor College, Malawi Prison and Ministry of Health.

He went on to say that the two were not fairly paid for their work but they were stealing.

These so called defamatory remarks did not go down well with Chakwera’s son who demanded an apology from Chisa Mbele through the court and the social commentator apologized over the matter.

Later Nick Chakwera went on to demand Mk270 million from Chisa Mbele as an apology.

But after discussions , Chakwera son has accepted Mbele’s apology and has promised to withdraw the case on condition that the accused pay party and party costs which are pegged at K3 million.

Below is court document;

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