An Egyptian man has murdered his pregnant sister half an hour before her planned delivery in her apartment, local media reported.

The man is said to have beheaded his sister after stabbing her multiple times.

He first hit her with a stick on the head to cause her to lose consciousness, and and then “slit her throat like a goat”.

According to the victim’s relatives, the killer had a bloody past and a criminal record.

The crime came to light when the victim’s aunt went to take her pregnant niece to hospital for her scheduled delivery. To her shock, she found her niece lying in a pool of blood with her head chopped off.

She immediately reported the crime to the police who launched an investigation into the dreadful crime. The killer was arrested shortly after committing his crime. He was also on the wanted list.

“It is not the first time that the victim’s brother has tried to kill her. A year after her marriage, she was stabbed 20 times in different parts of her body, causing her deep injuries but she narrowly survived. He was arrested back then but she dropped the case against her brother just for her mother not to grief,” the victim’s aunt said.

“On the day of the crime, the victim was getting herself ready to go to hospital to deliver her first baby two years after marriage. However, he brother called her saying he is coming to see her before going to hospital.

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