A 35-year old man in Lilongwe has thrown himself into the river killing himself soon after consuming pesticide in the presence of his 9-year old daughter.

The man, Patulani Yosefe, committed suicide on Sunday at Kapingiza Village Traditional Authority Masumbankhunda.

He, along with his wife and daughter, had gone to the garden to apply chemicals to their crops.

Later, Yosefe deliberately sent his wife out into the village to borrow a sprayer.

He told his daughter that he would kill himself since he was fed up with her mother.

Immediately after expressing his death-wish, Yosefe took the pesticide before starting off to the nearby Katete River.

He plunged himself into the river and got drowned in the process.

Police detectives retrieved the body and handed it over to a medical officer for postmortem.

Results indicated that Yosefe had succumbed to poisoning.

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