Over thinking is a situation where someone thinks too much about something or thinks for a long time. Humans make decisions all the time and evaluate situations but when someone can’t get out of their own head they’re over thinking. This can be stressful and in some severe cases, some health concerns for one peace of mind and blood pressure.

Being aware that you are over thinking is the first step to help someone overcome this. Before you begin coping know what causes this because in many cases it’s fear.

1. You hate making decisions

When making decisions you have to take into consideration many factors. Many people don’t like doing this as it may seem bad or unfair to certain people or things. Focusing on everything that could go wrong makes one start to over think.

2. You can’t let things go

You can’t seem to accept the outcome of a situation and accept that its over. This takes you down the over thinking lane that might be a bad place for you emotionally and sometimes physically.

3. You analyze and analyze

Trying to look at all possible outcomes of a situation can take one the rabbit hole where every little detail is thoroughly examined and sometimes it’s not even needed. Overanalyzing many things that are useless only wastes your time and that of others.

4. You second guess everything

Over thinking can lead to obsession, these thoughts are not taking you anywhere and they aren’t productive, positive or useful. Your mind is stuck on repeat thus second guessing yourself. You’re being insecure on whether you’ve made the right choice.

5. You take things personally

Most of the time you take things at heart when people hit a nerve. You are projecting your own doubts and insecurities on other people. You expect them to dislike you and doubt your ability to do something that intimidates you.

6. You’re a perfectionist

Wanting things to go perfect is a sign of an over thinker. Wanting things to go the way you like it makes you feel in control. Every detail should be to your instructions. This is bad because when one thing goes wrong you become paralyzed and don’t know what to do.

7. You criticize yourself a lot

When something goes wrong you think it’s all your fault. That you’re to blame and should have gone the other way. As humans nothing goes our way and we should be able to accept that. Judging your ability to accomplish something and berating yourself is not going to help.

8. You often feel tense

You can’t seem to relax around people, always nervous and anxious all the time. This is bad in general and people should not feel like this.

Therefore it’s important to always know when one is over thinking. It can happen to anyone and one needs a great system on handling this situation. Focus on happy,peaceful thoughts, exercise, meditate and get a hobby.

When you find it happening distract yourself.

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