The Senior Resident Magistrate’s Court in Mulanje has sentenced self-acclaimed prophet, Julius Phiri, 20, to 14 years imprisonment for defiling his 15-year-old congregant.

Police prosecutor, Sergeant Maggie Mogowa told the court that the victim had been praying with Phiri at his church since March this year.

Mogowa added that at some point, Phiri asked the girl to stay with him so that he could teach her more about the Bible.

While there, the self-acclaimed prophet started having sex with her until April this year when she got pregnant, a development which led to his arrest on defilement charge contrary to section 138 of the Penal Code.

According to Mulanje police spokesperson Gresham Ngwira, although the convict asked for leniency, the magistrate sentenced him to 14 years imprisonment with hard labour to serve as a lesson to others.

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