The Second Grade Magistrate Court sitting in Mponela, Dowa convicted and sentenced Elisa Kachigwada 37, to seven years imprisonment with hard labour for the offence of theft of cattle.

The court heard through the state prosecutor Sub Inspector Benedecto Mathambo that on October 16, 2021 around 02 am, at Namilaza village, the owner of the cattle realized his kraal had been broken into.

Six cattle valued at K2, 400, 000 had been stolen by unknown criminals.

A search by the owner proved futile. He then reported the matter to Mtengowanthenga Police Unit.

Investigations were instituted which led to the arrest of Elisa Kachigwada who was found with carcass of three cattle.

Appearing before Second Grade Magistrate court, Kachigwada pleaded guilty and was convicted of the charge of theft of cattle which contravenes section 281 of the penal code.

In his judgement, Second Grade Magistrate Davie Mpakani said the offence is serious in nature.

He therefore ordered Kachigwada to serve a seven year jail term to deter other would be offenders.

Elisa Kachigwada hails from Chizoloondo village in the area of Traditional Authority Chakhaza in Dowa District.

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