Guinea’s interim President, Colonel Mamady Doumbouya has reminded the party members of Alpha Conde of how hypocritical they were and failed to speak the truth to him even when situations were difficult in the country.

In a meeting with them, he told them point-blank that “You all betrayed the president Alpha Conde and did not like him. If he is standing in front of you today, he will be able to throw himself on you.”

“Look at the state of our roads and tell me it is in the best of conditions.” He assured them that Guinea will never be the same again.

Those who were appointed to head the various ministerial posts were from his tribe and they failed to admonish him even when things were going bad.

Then again, his party members were also supporting his deeds even when he manipulated the Constitution to win a controversial third term in office.

Luckily, he won the elections and became the country’s president after many attempts. He ruled like any ordinary African President and didn’t make much of a difference in the lives of the masses.
In the next elections, he was re-elected for a second term and also didn’t initiate any positive policies to improve upon the living standards of the people but rather surrounded himself with his cronies and engaged in corrupt practices.
The deposed President of the Republic of Guinea, Alpha Conde was an advocate for democracy when he was in opposition.
He constantly championed reforms in the electoral process in his country and was an ardent critic of the various regimes that preceded him.
His activeness in the political space created the impression that he would be the best President when voted into power.
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