There are various security services of the State which fall under the interior or national security ministry. Some of these institutions are the Fire, Immigration, Prisons, Customs, and the Police Service.

However, it is the Police Department that is entrusted with the internal security of the country and their mandate is to provide adequate protection for the masses against all forms of crimes and any infringement of their rights.

For the service to function properly, it requires genuine leadership and a competent officer who has gotten what it takes to bring about the needed transformation.

The topmost position of the Police Service is headed by the inspector general who is regarded as the senior-most person and is usually appointed by the politician.

African Presidents mostly select senior officers of the security institutions to do their biddings and often, these men come from their tribes or are related to them.

These chosen men mostly obey orders without hesitation to unleash terror on the masses even when they are not in favor of it but they just serve their masters.

The same thing occurred under the deposed President Alpha Conde when he instructed the security personnel including the police to clamp down on protestors after he had won a fraudulent election that was marred by electoral malpractice. During that period, the police chief was Ansoumane Baffoe Camara and he performed exceptionally well to quell the demonstrations.

Many people still remember what transpired on that fateful day which led to the deaths of several Guineans and have wondered why the leader of the police is still in office.

Doumbouya has done the unthinkable once again by removing him as the director-general of the Police Service. He is currently replaced by Abdoul Malick Kone.

He has not just been removed but ordered to proceed on mandatory retirement.

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