ZIMBABWE – A Bulawayo woman is seeking a protection order against her daughter who is in the habit of insulting her and telling her to vacate her house.

Rosaria Nyoni from Lobengula said she can no longer live peacefully in her house because her daughter Felistus Nyoni calls her “stupid” and wants her out of the family home. She said:

I am applying for a protection order against my daughter Felistus Nyoni because she insults me at any given time saying I should vacate her father’s house which is my house. She always says I am a stupid lady.

I no longer feel comfortable because she might end up assaulting me. May the court grant me this protection order so that she stops insulting me.

In her response, Felistus did not oppose her mother’s allegations.

The magistrate ordered her not to abuse or to threaten her mother.

Source: B-Metro

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