1. If PP was not behind the candidature of Henry Chimunthu Banda at the DPP convention, why did you mention him as your preferred candidate when you addressed a rally in Phalombe on Tuesday after giving out cows to some families?

2. If the indictment of Peter Mutharika and others is to seek the ends of justice, and not a tactic to try to prevent him from running in the 2014 elections, why are your supporters doubting his candidature on the basis of the pending cases, not on issues?

3. If the courts are independent under your administration, how do you and your supporters know even before trial has started that Peter and others will be convicted and prevented from running?

4. If the issue is that Bingu is the one who anointed his brother to succeed him at your expense, as you claim, why do you hate his brother so much as if he is the one who chose himself; now that you got your heart desire, why do you still cherish that hatred?

5. You always claim to be a God fearing woman. But why do you bad mouth Peter to the extent of scorning his abilities to speak when he does not do the same to you?

6. If you don’t fear Peter Mutharika, why do you and you supporters single him out for denigration as if he is the only candidate that will enter the presidential race next year?

7. When you and your supporters claim that all that Bingu wa Mutharika did in Malawi was wrong, does that include his decision to choose you to be his running mate upon which you became President following his death?

8. By the way, why is the economy of Malawi not improving, and Malawians are suffering, as you continue to be endorsed as a great leader by foreign magazines and capitals?

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