By: Lonjezo Idrissa 

Creative Centre for Community Mobilization (CRECCOM) has urged Village Nutrition Community Committee (VNCC) members of Traditional Authority (T/A) Makhuwira in Chikwawa district on their role in message dissemination on nutrition and COVID-19 vaccine uptake.

This has been done through its CDC Health Services project funded by UNICEF which aims at addressing existing gaps in the health systems with an emphasis on Communication for Development and strengthen coordination at local government level

CRECCOM Senior Program Officer, Joseph Chingalu, said that there is low intake of COVID-19 vaccine in most communities and even message dissemination on nutrition in many families in inadequate.

“Research has shown that 37% of children in Malawi are stunted and only 8% meet minimum dietary standards and there are myths on COVID-19 transmission and vaccine,” said Chingalu.

Social Welfare Officer for Chikwawa district, Rosemary Mahata, said that it is important to engage local community committees like VNCC so as to empower them in reach out to more people in their communities with health related messages.

“VNCC will assist in raising awareness on importance of uptake of nutritious foods to parents and children below the age of 5 and even increase uptake of COVID-19 vaccine in the district,” said Mahata.

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