The country’s elections body, Malawi Electoral Commission MEC has quashed assertions that it is not entitled to oversee political party elections, as propagated by some quarters, saying the body’s strategic plan gives them that mandate.
This comes as some quarters are questioning the involvement of MEC in overseeing elections of Peoples Party PP and Democratic Progressive Party DPP at their respective conventions.
Among some of the individuals that spoke against this is a well known political expert, professor Blessings Chinsinga who warned that if unchecked the conduct will bring confusion on the commissions’ independence and credibility during the forth coming 2014 tripartite elections.
But reacting to the accusations, chief elections officer for MEC, Willy Kalonga said his body is entitled to doing such work as this is one way of making sure that the 2013 tripartite elections are free and fair.
Kalonga said their involvement should not be looked at from the negative side only saying the free and fair elections at party level will lead to free and fair elections at national level.

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