Welcome to the Beit Trust – now in its 105th year

The Trust was initially set up in 1906 by the will of Alfred Beit, for the benefit of the people of North and South Rhodesia (now Zambia and Zimbabwe).  In 1954 the Trust was reconstituted by an Act of Parliament in the United Kingdom as an incorporated charity and, with the advent of Federation, the country of Nyasaland (now Malawi) was included in the “Specified Area” as a beneficiary.  Under Section 3 of The Act, The Beit Trust is an incorporated body. The Trust does not fundraise and seeks to continue the philanthropic work desired by the donor through the careful stewardship and maintenance in perpetuity of its existing resources.

Today the Trust is engaged in making grants within its “Beneficial Area” – namely Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe for Health, Education, Welfare and Environmental projects. For further details look on our Grants page.

The Trustees have always given preference to funding buildings and infrastructure.  Grants are occasionally given for very large new constructions, such as bridges, hospitals, or schools, but generally most projects are chosen with the purpose of enhancing existing establishments or programmes, such as independent, rural, or mission schools, hospitals, or wildlife schemes.  It does not make grants for vehicles, and very seldom makes grants to other grant-making organisations

While recognising the pressing need, the Trustees are aware of the help given to AIDS alleviation and orphanages by other major donors, and, therefore,  set limits to the Trust’s assistance with the pandemic.

The Trust also provides a limited number of scholarships for postgraduate courses at universities in the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland or South Africa.  Candidates must be domiciled in Malawi, Zambia or Zimbabwe (the “Beneficial Countries”) and aged under 30 (or 35 in the case of medical doctors).  Please note that the Beit Trust does not sponsor undergraduates; seldom sponsors PhDs, and rarely sponsors MBAs except in South Africa.  No candidate will be considered unless his/her future work is demonstrably beneficial to the people of his/her parent country. For further details look on our Scholarship page.

Academic and vocational bursaries are also provided at selected secondary schools and training organisations, and medical bursaries are provided to selected British doctors and students whose visits will be of immediate, skilled, practical benefit to hospitals in the three beneficial countries.  There is no scheme for funding “Gap-year” holidays.

Enquiries should, in the first instance, be made to:

The Secretary to the Beit Trust,

Beit House, Grove Road,                                                                                                             Woking,                                                                                                                     Surrey GU21 5JB,                                                  UK                                                                                                                                   E-Mail: sec@beittrust.org.uk
Detailed applications for infrastructure grants in Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe should be submitted to:

The Beit Trust Representative,
P.O. Box CH 76,                                                                                                      Chisipite,                                                                                                                  Harare,                                                                                                              ZIMBABWE.                                                                                                                   Fax: 263 (0)4 494046.                                                                                                       E-Mail: beitrust@africaonline.co.zw
for more information;