STAND-UP comedian Daliso Chaponda has praised Malawians for supporting him and his fellow artists by patronising his performance in Lilongwe in large numbers.

Speaking in an interview at the weekend after his performance, Chaponda said he was impressed with response of patrons that attended the launch of  a comic which has brought together different stand up comedians from across Africa.

The inaugural show brought together Daliso as a local comedian, Carl Joshua Ncube from Zimbabwe and Salvado from Uganda.

“Although the show started a little late the energy was just great and in six months time I am bringing in two other comedians from Africa, this is going to be routine,” he commented after the performance.

In separate interviews, the other two comedians concurred with Chaponda that the audience turnout was impressive and the response to their jokes was marvellous and beyond their expectation.

According to Salvado whose jokes were mostly about his country, Uganda, people across Africa have similar experiences, and that is why jokes about issues happening in his country appeal to Malawians just as they appeal to Ugandans.

“There is nothing as good as receiving positive feedback from the audience, the response was twice my expectation and I can’t wait to perform again in Malawi,” he said.

On his part, Carl Joshua said he was equally impressed with the positive response from the audience, when he was on stage cracking one joke after another.

On stage Daliso joked about the current affairs in the country such as the forthcoming elections which are just around the corner in 2014, the coup plotters’ case that is at the moment in court and the new Pope.

He also joked about his dad, George Chaponda, who was a cabinet minister during the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) government.

On some occasions, he went on to give out X rated jokes because according to him the show was an ‘over 18 years’ rated show based on Malawi Censorship Board’s rating.

When he noticed that the response from some of his X rated jokes wasn’t very positive, he wondered whether Malawi is ready for them.

“I don’t know whether Malawi is ready for this yet, but I am going to train you. I will train you,” he said jokingly.

Prior to the show Daliso said that he presented his jokes to the Censorship Board for scrutiny and endorsement to avoid landing himself into trouble.

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