Police in Mchinji at Mwami border have this afternoon of 26th November 2021 arrested two people who were involved in Njewa armed robbery.
According to D/Inspector Jubeki of Fiscal Department Mchinji Police Station confirmed the arrest of Muchimba Chimuka, born on 10/10/1992, from Simwatachera village, Monze district Zambia, working as Police Officer at Chingola Police Station in Zambia and Kelvin Mlenga, born on 01/09/1979, from Namiwa village, Traditional Authority Kapichi, Thyolo district who were found in possession of pistol rifle loaded with 21 live ammunition.
Jubeki was on daily search duties at the border with his fellow officers namely B6394 D/Sgt Macheso and 2644 D/sgt Violet Moyo whilst on duty, the two suspects came at the border carrying their traveling bags while footing.
In the course of searching them, a pistol rifle was found in the pockets of Mchimba Simuka Zambian Police Officer plus assorted Malawian cash.
Upon interviewing them, they have revealed to have committed a Robbery offense at Njerwa Lilongwe capital City on the morning of 26/11/2021.
The following are the recovered items from the suspects, One pistol rifle, 21 live ammunition, Tecno spark silver in color, Cash K4 million kwacha.
So far, inquiries are underway for further arrests.
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