Three royal families in Nsanje namely; Mphondozi, Kanyenga and Kufakwina royal families are tussling over a position of Traditional Authority (T/A) Mbenje in Nsanje.

The conflict came up after Prosper Tsamba, 35, a Lance corporal in the Malawi Defence Force (MDF), maritime unit was selected to take over the position but another royal family of Mphondozi is challenging the selection of the youthful, Proper Tsamba,

Earlier, Kanyenga royal family, penned the Ministry of Local Government, a copy of the letter in Zodiak possession, claims the new T/A Mbenje was supposed to come from Kanyenga royal family, on a claim that it is the first in the lineage and not Kufakwina royal family, the second in the line.

District Commissioner, Dr Medson Matchaya, said his office will act accordingly upon receiving a formal report from a team which presided over the selection process on November 19 2021, which was led by Senior Chief Malemia.

Meanwhile Ministry of Local Government Spokesperson, Anjoya Mwanza, said, “this issue is still under the families or the council as they have not yet presented the proposed name of the said heir to the Ministry.”

The new T/A Mbenje, 35, is succeeding Tiferanji Vizhyalona, who died on January 21, 2021.

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