ZIMBABWE – Three machete-wielding men reportedly raped two expecting mothers at Maphisa Hospital in Matobo district, Matabeleland South province., after the institution experienced a series of break-ins at its maternity ward where pregnant women were sexually abused.

It is alleged that in the latest incident, three machete-wielding men were spotted entering the maternity ward where they threatened and raped the victims.

According to medical director at the hospital Ruth Chikodzore,  the security at the hospital would be tightened. Chikodzore said:

“We had a meeting as the ministry, hospital officials and community members, and we came up with several measures that will ensure the safety of patients. We decided to increase the number of security personnel at the hospital,” she said.

She continued by saying  that, there will be police officers patrolling the hospital during the night. Each ward will now have a guard to protect patients. The windows will also be secured as well as the doors.

Chikodzore said the community had also formed a neighborhood watch committee to guard the institution. Matabeleland South police spokesperson Inspector Loveness Mangena said they were investigating the matter

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