Minister of Homeland Security Richard Chimwendo Banda who is also leader of the house has asked Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Vice President Kondwani Nankhumwa to return to school. микрозайм онлайн срочно без отказа круглосуточно

Banda said this when reacting to Nakhumwa utterances attacking President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera’s leadership.

In his speech Chimwendo Banda questioned Nankhumwa’s qualifications.

He has questioned how Nankhumwa got his PhD in just two months.

While accusing Nankhumwa of stealing a Malawi School Certificate of Education- MSCE, Chimwendo asks Nankhumwa to go back to school and stop finger pointing others.

The claims prompt Speaker of the National Assembly Catherine Gotani Hara to intervene by asking Chimwendo Banda not to go personal.

She said that Parliament is not a political podium after Chimwendo attacked Nankhumwa on his academic credentials.

Meanwhile, Parliament has been adjourned to next year.

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