Malawi’s revered female Supreme Court of Appeals Judge Anastassia Msosa, has been entrusted to manage the Judiciary in Malawi following the retirement of Justice Lovemore Munlo, SC.

Face of Malawi understands that under Section 113 (1) of the Malawi Constitution Justice Msosa has the powers to act as the country’s Chief Justice and so that is what exactly she is doing right now.

The Section which talks about vacancy in the Judiaciary reads: “If the office of the Chief Justice is vacant, or if the Chief Justice for any reason unable to perform the functions of his or her office, then, until a person has been appointed to and has assumed the functions of that office, or until the person holding that office has resumed those functions, as the case may be, those functions shall be performed by the most senior judge then sitting on the Supreme Court of Appeal or High Court.

Justice Lovemore Munlo quit the bench this month going straight into a political career and contesting the Presidency in the Malawi Congress Party, whose convention was cancelled last week due to what organizers said, was due to logistical problems.

A lady of memoir, Anastasia Msosa is the first female Judge both at the High Court and Supreme Court of Appeal in Malawi.

She is alsothe first Chairperson of the Electoral Commission in Malawi when the country embodied the multiparty democracy.

She is also accredited for successfully overseeing in the previous elections. And as that is not enough, her name appears in the list of 20 Pioneer Achievers at the end of History of Malawi Volume 2.

In Malawi a Chief Justice is appointed under Section 111 (1) of the Constitution by the President and confirmed by the National Assembly by a majority of two thirds of the members present and voting.

With Dr. Joyce Banda quest to promote women in Malawi, it is most likely that Justice Msosa will be given the mantle, and with her good track record she will obviously get the parliamentary nod.

We will unveil the development as they unfold in the Malawi’s Judiciary.

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