THE Ndola Magistrate’s Court has heard how a 27 year old Muslim teacher allegedly defiled a seven year old girl at Iqra Islamic School by covering her face and mouth.

In November this year, Mushili Mulenga of Kabushi Township allegedly defiled a grade one pupil in his office.

When the matter came up yesterday before Ndola Magistrate court Peggy Banda, Mulenga pleaded not guilty.

Authur Davison Children’s Hospital senior medical doctor Mwizukanji Nachamba 30, of Dolla Hill township said on December 13 this year, she received a report  of the child who complained of painful private parts.

Dr Nachamba said on the material day the child told her that she was sexually abused by Mulenga on two separate occasions.

“The juvenile told me that the teacher used to cover her face as well as the mouth using a cloth and touched her private part roughly but she could not tell what the teacher used to insert in the private parts,” Dr Nachamba said.

She further told court that the child informed her that she could not identify whether a body part was used or not but that what she felt was a rough thing in the private parts.

Dr Nachamba narrated  that child said that after each incident Mulenga used to buy her sweets and emphasized that she could not tell anyone.

She said when she examined her, she discovered that her private parts were inflammable.

The doctor said that when she carried out tests for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis, they all came out negative.

Dr Nachamba said after the examination, she discovered that the incident could have happened five to seven days before examining the victim.

She said the child could not tell the actual dates when the incident happened.
Dr Nachamba said that the child only said Mulenga did what he did to her on two separate occasions and that it happened in the morning.

Magistrate Banda adjourned the case to December 30, for

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