Nsanje district council direct employees say they are living in dire straits as they have gone for three months without pay.

The workers have told the press that, the situation has greatly affected their economic and security standing.

” We do not have money for our children’s school fees and fend for our families, the situation is bad,” said one of the affected employees.

Nsanje district council spokesperson, Robert Nayeja, however claims the employees were paid their October salaries, but, they are yet to receive their November and December dues.

Nayeja said, on December 24, last year it was resolved during a full council meeting, that the finance department should put much effort to collect revenue so that direct workers should be paid the department did it’s best, that is why we managed to pay them the October salaries, as of now we are still on the ground doing the same to clear the arrears.

Source: ZBS

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