The Malawi Blood Transfusion Service (MBTS) has encouraged students to take part in the on-going blood donation day in order to help hospitals in meeting demand for the blood.

Speaking with the media reporters this morning on the sidelines of the donation session, MBTS Senior Clinic Nurse Linda Namalomba said people should feel proud in donating blood.

“It is said that it is more blessed to give than to receive. Nowadays people are dying in hospitals due to lack of blood. One unit that a person donates saves at least a life,” said Namalomba.

The Senior Clinic Nurse said that anyone who is within the ages of 16 and 65 and above 45 kilograms.

“Someone who wants to donate blood has to be in sound health,” said Namalomba.

The donation session is scheduled to end at 4:00 pm this afternoon. – Chanco Storm

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